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labour one’s way
吃力地前进  detail>>
in one way
在某点上, 在某种程度上, 有几分, 稍微  detail>>
on one’s/the way to
在某人去某地途中  detail>>
one way
单程杀机 单面的 单行道 单行路 单行线 在世界的角落  detail>>
 adj.  1.单程的,单行的。 one-way street 单行道。 2.片面的,单方面的。  detail>>
one way way communication
单向通信  detail>>
one way only; one way traffic
单行线(路)  detail>>
one- way street; one- way traffic
单行道  detail>>
a one-way street
一条单行马路  detail>>
and there’s only one way to be free
我只有一条路获得自由  detail>>
duplex one way
双工单向  detail>>
find one’s way around
认识路  detail>>
foverdrive one-way clutch
超速单向离合器  detail>>
get out of one’s way
做出特别的努力  detail>>
in more than one way
用多种方式  detail>>
in one way or another
用这样或那样的方式  detail>>
irreversible one-way reaction
不可逆单向反应  detail>>
its one way or the other
它是什么  detail>>